The Alice Springs power network will receive a boost to its reliability and security with Power and Water upgrading the Sabadeen Substation.
This $11.85 million project will replace the existing building and install new 11kV Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS). The new switchgear will replace existing systems which is approaching the end of its life.
A substation is infrastructure where electricity voltage is stepped up for transmission (to send over long distances) or stepped down for distribution (to individual households). This essential infrastructure ensures that power users receive the right voltage for their needs.
The upgrade will support up to 30 jobs during the construction and will also support Alice Springs hardware, freight and hotel businesses.
All works are scheduled to be complete by April 2020 and the new equipment fully operational by August 2020.
Power and Water aims to have as little impact as possible on adjacent neighbourhoods and residents, while works take place.
Northern Territory Minister for Renewables, Energy & Essential Services, Dale Wakefield, said, “The Territory Labor Government’s number one priority is creating local jobs and investing in the future of the Territory.
“The new Sadadeen Substation upgrade will increase the reliability and security of the Alice Springs power network, provide up to 30 construction jobs, as well as support local businesses during the construction phase.
“This is part of the Labor Government’s commitment to keeping power assets in public hands, unlike the CLP’s record of selling public assets and raising power prices.”