Construction has begun on the Crudine Ridge Wind Farm, with completion planned for late 2019.
The project consists of constructing 37 wind turbines which will reach a maximum height of 160m from foundation to the uppermost blade tip.
The project will build 50km of new internal access roads, internal electrical reticulation, temporary construction compounds, rock crushing facilities, a concrete batching plant, a substation, an operations and maintenance facility and approximately 15km of overhead transmission line.
There will also be upgrades to public roads, including a 20km stretch along Aarons Pass Road.
To minimise impacts to the community and environment, materials are being sourced on site, reducing the number of truck movements on public roads.
Delivery of turbine components is scheduled for early 2019, along the approved routes. A more detailed update on delivery of these components will be shared with the community closer to the time to ensure minimal traffic disruption.
The project is already delivering economic benefits to the local community. $3 million of contracts have been awarded to local businesses and further procurement is planned over the coming months. The project is aiming to engage as many of the 240 people for the delivery of the project with a focus on engaging from the local community as much as possible.