Energy data

The Federal Government has launched a new platform that uses modern data techniques to collect, integrate and enhance information on Australia’s energy use.

The National Energy Analytics Research (NEAR) program is a partnership between the Government, the CSIRO and the Australian Energy Market Operator to drive much-needed data innovation.

NEAR program research has already delivered a rich collection of data products, identifying:

• The impact of retail tariffs on vulnerable consumers

• National and regional opportunities for demand response programs

• Key drivers of energy consumption for Australian households

• The evolution of energy consumption across Australia over the last decade

According to latest figures from the Clean Energy Regulator, over $25 billion will be invested in 18.8GW of new renewable generation in the Australian energy sector over the years 2018-2020.

The successful integration of this unprecedented level of investment will depend on accurate long-term forecasting of Australia’s energy production, transmission and use.

The NEAR program provides data and research that can lead to dramatic improvements in our nation’s approach to energy forecasting and better ways to manage a low cost energy system.

The Federal Government has invested more than $20 million to develop world-class capabilities in understanding and planning for the future.

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