Comments on: Intergenerational report: Renewables are the cheapest form of energy in Australia A thought-leading, technology-neutral magazine, helping the industry answer some of the critical questions it is currently grappling with Sat, 09 Sep 2023 12:15:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allan Sat, 09 Sep 2023 12:15:58 +0000 What a load of biased ill-informed CRAP – firstly, who in their right mind would believe ANYTHING that comes out of the mouth of Labor and it’s treasurer who is part of Labor’s ‘renewables cult of misinformation and exaggerated benefits’ ?
FACT is more than ever electricity prices have gone through-the-roof thanks to the expense of building needed renewables infrastructures tapping into other state’s systems to resemble some sort of ‘reliability’, those overall infrastructures will also need ongoing maintenance/replacement of installed ageing solar panels/wind turbines that will NOT reduce power bills, but sustain them at a higher than normal level – insult to injury there is NO way renewables alone can sustain a reliable and capable replacement energy alternative, especially base load power – LOOK at overseas countries who have gone back to fossil fueled power sources/’borrowing’ power from adjacent nuclear sourced countries to help them get over the crippling incompetence of their renewables, NO country of any average size/population/productivity has EVER successfully and reliably 100% transitioned to renewables.
