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Nominations have now opened for the 2020 Surat Basin Energy Awards, held by the Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TBSE), in conjunction with the Western Downs Regional Council.

These inaugural awards will showcase the economic contribution and the positive impact the gas and energy sector has made to the Surat Basin region. 

Businesses are encouraged to nominate organisations and individuals for this major award event, with the event designed to enhance collaboration of industry, benchmark best practice for the region and honour all nominees in a professional but social environment.

There are 13 categories that can be entered and these include; Export, Innovation, Leadership, Community, Safety, STEM, Co-Existence, Environmental, Health & Wellness, Apprenticeship & Training, Local Content,  Indigenous Achievement and the Industry Legacy Award.

The award ceremony will take place on 30 April 2020 at the Dalby Events Centre, Queensland, with over 400 business leaders expected to attend.

TSBE CEO, Ali Davenport, said the Surat Basin is a hub for energy supply, with use in Australia continually changing.

“We are the energy capital of Queensland and we want to celebrate the achievements in this industry that has been powering our country,” Ms Davenport said.

“As our region moves towards becoming the energy capital of Australia, TSBE will host the Surat Basin Energy Awards to celebrate the people, businesses and industries that have shaped the region.”

Ms Davenport said Australians’ energy productivity was improving with new technologies being implemented and an evolving economy.

“The Surat Basin is the largest producer of Coal Seam Gas in Australia, and also has the largest pipeline of approved solar farms in Australia, as well as thermal coal production and now wind farms,” Ms Davenport said. 

Mayor of Western Downs Regional Council, Paul McVeigh, said the holding the awards in Darby would benefit the local community.

“This event shows off the capacity and excitement around the resource sector and what it does for our community; it brings jobs and it underpins our economy,” Mr McVeigh said.

A wide variety of businesses that contribute to the gas and energy supply chain in the Surat Basin region are eligible to apply, ranging from fleet hire to machinery hire, technical-based companies to engineering firms, hospitality-based business and many more.

Nominations are open until 7 April  2020.

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