Australia’s best energy innovators and consumer engagement practices have been recognised by Energy Network Australia at its 2017 Consumer Engagement and Innovation Awards.
Three initiatives that have improved outcomes for energy consumers were recognised at the awards held in November 2017 in Canberra.
Simon Appleby, ElectraNet, Rainer Korte, ElectraNet and Rosemary Sinclair, Energy Consumer’s Australia.
The winner of the Energy Consumers Australia, Consumer Engagement Award, ElectraNet engaged early, with Board-level backing to improve the value of electricity transmission services for South Australian customers.
ElectraNet’s principled, robust and early engagement approach helped it navigate the impacts of the September 2016 system black event.
Mondo Power, received the Engagement Innovator Award in partnership with AusNet Services and Totally Renewable Yackandandah.
The company, together with its partners, harnessed community engagement and collaboration to empower the Victorian Yackandandah community to reach 100 per cent renewable energy by 2022.
Energy Consumer’s Australia, CEO, Rosemary Sinclair, said that network businesses needed to enter into a new dialogue with consumers to deliver the services they need in a transforming energy market.
Dr Stephanie Judd AusNet Services; Shelley Cussen, AusNet Services; Mark Judd, Mondo Power; Rosemary Sinclair, Energy Consumer’s Australia.
“These engagement awards recognise the networks that are finding new ways to connect with consumers and adapt their business strategies to deliver better outcomes,” Ms Sinclair said.
“The award shines a light on consumer engagement practice that is setting a new standard across the industry.”
Energy Networks Australia, CEO, Andrew Dillon said innovation of the energy sector is globally transformational and Australian governments and businesses all have a part to play in fostering an environment that encourages modernisation.
“We are living in the most momentous period of innovation the energy sector has ever seen. Technological innovation in every aspect of how we think about energy – from renewables, to storage, to system design – is an imperative,” Mr Dillon said.
The Salisbury trial is an Adelaide-based project in which 100 customers received battery storage systems, resulting in reduced customer bills, backup power, and deferment of a $2.9 million network upgrade.
Andrew Dillon, Energy Networks Australia; Mark Vincent, SA Power Networks; Rob Stobbe, SA Power Networks and Dr Alan Finkel, Chief Scientist.
It received the Industry Innovation Award, presented by the Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel.
“The Salisbury trial is embracing new approaches to old challenges, creative problem solving and delivering solutions that are significant leaps forward,” said Mr Dillon.
SA Power Networks’ Mark Vincent received 2017’s Industry Contribution Award.
“This award recognises Mark’s significant thought leadership, his strong customer advocacy and his transformation efforts for the benefit of our customers,” Mr Dillon said.