
The Data Standards Body has announced the first members of the Energy Advisory Committee, as the next phase of the Australian Government’s Consumer Data Right moves ahead with the Energy sector.

The Energy Advisory Committee, comprised of 14 members, will provide strategic counsel and expert advice to the independent Chair, Andrew Stevens, on the key issues in the development and implementation of technical standards to support consumer data sharing, specific to the energy sector.

Following a public call for nominations, the Chair selected individual members from sectors including energy, finance and consumer groups, to ensure a range of expertise and representation. 

The first set of appointments to the Advisory Committee are for a duration of 12 months, with a strong emphasis on the energy sector. The initial members of the Advisory Committee are:

  • Spiz Dimopoulos, General Manager, Analytics and Insights, Energy Australia
  • Peter Giles, Product Manager, CHOICE
  • Joanna Gurry, Chief Data Officer, NBN Co
  • David Havyatt, Senior Economist, CEO Secretariat, Energy Consumers Australia
  • Ben Johnson, Development Manager, ERM Power
  • Van Le, Co-founder and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Xinja
  • Joe Locandro, Chief Digital Officer, Australian Energy Market Operator
  • Jan Prichard, General Manager, Customer Care, Origin Energy Limited
  • Frank Restuccia, Co-founder, Co-CEO and Director, Finder
  • Lisa Schutz, Managing Director, Verifier
  • Aakash Sembey, Industry Regulations Manager, Simply Energy
  • Edwin Shaw, Head of ICT, Ausgrid
  • Lauren Solomon, Chief Executive Officer, Consumer Policy Research Centre
  • Dayle Stevens, Chief Data Officer, AGL

The Advisory Committee will meet monthly, with locations varying between Sydney and Melbourne. Meeting minutes will be published on the Data Standards Body website.

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