As part of Tasmania’s Plan to Build Your Future, the re-elected Tasmanian Government has announced its commitment to making Tasmania renewable energy self-sufficient.
This will require up to 1,000 Gigawatt Hours of additional renewable generation in Tasmania which equates to enough additional renewable energy capacity to replace power imports via Basslink.
This target will further cement Tasmania’s place as the renewable energy battery of the nation and enhance energy security.
The target is also in line with the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee Report and the Energy Security Taskforce Report.
Under the State Government, Tasmania is already well on track, with a new development at Wild Cattle Hill due to begin construction in late-2017 and a proposed Granville Harbour Windfarm on track to begin construction in 2018.
The Government will also advance further renewable development opportunities with Hydro Tasmania, including augmenting the current system and pumped hydro, as well as looking at further opportunities in wind, biomass and large scale solar generation.