
The Asia-Pacific waste-to-energy market (WTE) is predicted to grow at an annual rate of over 15 per cent and reach a value of US$13.66 billion by 2023.

Tapping into this exciting growth phase for the WTE sector, is Australian business ResourceCo Energy, which is ramping up its presence to support the manufacturing industry and high energy users with long-term, low-cost renewable energy solutions.

The company also remains focused on continuing its work over the past 30 years in assisting companies to achieve carbon-neutral status through the provision of carbon abatement credits.

CEO of ResourceCo Energy, Henry Anning, says there is a significant opportunity for businesses to reduce long-term energy costs, risk and emissions, by turning to alternative fuels or by adding value through carbon abatement credits.

“The time to act is now, as the resource recovery industry is critical to assisting companies to achieve net zero targets and progress the circular economy. Investors now more than ever are demanding clearer and credible transition plans on committing to reducing emissions,” Mr Anning said.

Momentum is building around the shift to a decarbonised economy, with the staging of COP26 in Glasgow, where governments must strengthen their contributions to the Paris Agreement to send a resounding signal that businesses, cities, regions, and investors are united in achieving the set goals.

“While we are seeing some local manufacturers progressing with their own energy-from-waste (EfW) projects including Opal Maryvale and Opal Botany – the majority are needing further encouragement to make the switch to a viable, cost-effective and more environmentally sound option such as heat or electricity from Processed Engineered Fuel (PEF),” Mr Anning.

“ResourceCo Energy plays a significant role by partnering with these businesses and helping manufacturers set up the infrastructure and technology to utilise heat as well as electricity from recovered fuel from waste.

“It’s about establishing long-term agreements and providing unique options to the requirement for heat in manufacturing. We are providing businesses with an over 90 per cent renewable heat source as an alternative to gas, coal, or electricity.

“ResourceCo Energy manufactures process engineered fuel (PEF) from commercial and industrial (C&I), and certain construction and demolition (C&D) materials. These are primarily waste timber materials and also include non-recyclable plastics, cardboard, paper and textiles.”

The latest Australian Energy Statistics show fossil fuels including coal, oil, and natural gas, account for 93 per cent of Australia’s primary energy mix in 2019-20, with natural gas continuing to be the largest source of energy for the manufacturing sector.

“It’s the right time for manufacturers to add WTE to their business plans,” Mr Anning said. “With high gas and coal prices predicted to continue and businesses still experiencing price rises of up to 300 per cent, we need to encourage change which includes a low-risk approach and short payback time.

“The material ResourceCo Energy produces can be used in boilers to make steam that can then be used for process heat, but it can also provide for power generation.

“High energy users with existing boilers using between 100,000GJ and a petajoule of natural gas can convert to renewable energy by installing between a 5MW and 40MW recovered fuel boiler. “ResourceCo Energy is committed to adding value to produce energy with a much lower carbon output than those powered by fossil fuels.

“Proudly to date and under the carbon abatement process, two million tonnes of emissions have been avoided which is equivalent to us taking 450,000 petrol vehicles off our roads.”

It’s estimated by 2025, there will be up to $7.8 billion in new investments Australia-wide in resource recovery, bioenergy, and WTE, providing nearly 13,000 construction, indirect, direct, and ongoing jobs. A Clean Energy Finance Corporation report has also indicated these categories have the potential to reduce landfill emissions by up to 60 per cent.

ResourceCo Energy is set to roll out new resource recovery plants in Melbourne and Brisbane which produce PEF, with more sites planned across Australia.

This sponsored editorial is brought to you by ResourceCo. For more information, visit

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